Reliable hosting, by IT nerds

Fully managed hosting

Domain names, hosting, websites, SSL certificates, email accounts, etc: we will take care of it!

Self managed hosting

Use your own ZenaHost Control panel to create your web hosting, email addresses, databases, SFTP access and restore your data yourself if anything goes wrong. 

Web design and digital marketing

Not very creative? Don't know how to put your brand online? 
We are the solution. 

Our Hosting Statistics

We currently host domain- and email services for over 30+ customers, which generate a monthly traffic of over 44GB of email and 33GB of website traffic - all safely backed up on our backup cluster, with customer access for quick restores. Statistics updated in May 2024.


Web domains

Active web domains with hosting and SSL certificates


Mail accounts

Each mailbox with 10GB space


DNS records

Clustered between four DNS servers in three countries



All with PHPmyAdmin access

The Control Panel

Using https://cp.zena.host you can manage your own domain, web settings, email setting and restore your data - the Control Panel is very intuitive and easy to use. And safe as 2FA is enabled by default. 

Add and edit your web domain. Enable statistics or a SSL certificate. 

Enable or disable the Spam filter, Anti-Virus or SSL certificate for your (web)mail domain.

Made a mistake? Restore your data with only 3 mouse clicks. 

Team of Experts

Nerds and non-nerds but mostly nerds. With over 200+ years of combined computer experience.
With presence in Italy, Holland, Monte-Carlo and Norway, we can make your hosting international!

Martijn Goudkamp

Founder and CEO of ZenaConsult and your personal IT nerd

Neil Nicols Nisco

Worldly expert in anything IT & networking, highly skilled in customer relations

Erik Broekhof

Experienced IT manager that can handle any task and defuse any problem

Mark Hillsdon

Our Australian IT expert with a great customer service mindset and excellent people skills

Erik Olafsen

The Norwegian creative mind behind your digital foto needs


Be up to date and subscribe to our newsletter. 


+39 3313448888

